
【侨报周末实习记者夏静、特约记者李强波士顿报道】在最近记者采访的多个活动中,往往都能够看到纽英伦中华资讯网路协会(NECINA)总经理郑茹的身影。郑茹是波士顿当地的活跃人士,卡内基训练授权讲师,拥有工商管理硕士学位。她能够讲流利的英语、国语和粤语,曾与人合办生物医药类公司,善于沟通,极具领导力和亲和力。 今年夏天,郑茹(左二)和NECINA同仁出海观鲸。

How Much Is a Photo of the Iceberg That Sunk Titanic Worth?

RR Auction of Amherst, N.H. is planning an auction of a photo believed to be that of the huge iceberg that sunk Titanic in 1912. It estimates the value of the photo to be in range of $8,000 to $10,000. “Amazing and extremely rare original 9.75 x 8 photo of a uniquely-shaped ‘blueberg’ photographed by… Continue reading How Much Is a Photo of the Iceberg That Sunk Titanic Worth?


潘雅然移民法专业法律师提供, 2012年12月3日 问: 我入境的目的是参加在美企业培训。但边境官员在我I-94卡上授予的签证类别为B2, 而不是B1。 我需要对边境官的错误进行修改吗?如何改正这个错误呢? 答: 首先, 如果入境的目的是参加由相关美国公司提供的企业培训, 而不是个人的观光旅行, 你应该立即 向边境官指出I-94卡上的签证类别错误。 如果你的证据齐全, 边境官会立刻改正你I-94卡上的入境记录。 如果你当时没发现这个错误, 一旦发现后, 你应当去国土安全局下属的边境保护部门要求改正。 只要证据齐全, 错误会很快被订正的。

David Taglieri Wins Community Award at 2012 ACDC Annual Meeting

By David Li, bostonese.com 2012 Asian Community Development Corporation (ACDC)’s annual meeting and dinner was held on the evening of Nov. 27 at Hei La Moon Restaurant in Boston Chinatown. ACDC is a community-based organization that serves the Asian American community of Greater Boston and the neighborhoods in which they live and work, with an… Continue reading David Taglieri Wins Community Award at 2012 ACDC Annual Meeting

Secretary of State Clinton Awards Cai Guo-Qiang, Jeff Koons, Shahzia Sikander, Kiki Smith, Carrie Mae Weems Medal of Arts

Washington, D.C. – November 30, 2012. – As part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Department of State Art in Embassies program, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton honored five artists—Cai Guo-Qiang, Jeff Koons,, Shahzia Sikander, Kiki Smith, and Carrie Mae Weems—with the first U.S. Department of State – Medal… Continue reading Secretary of State Clinton Awards Cai Guo-Qiang, Jeff Koons, Shahzia Sikander, Kiki Smith, Carrie Mae Weems Medal of Arts

BCNC Youth YiMing Yu To Accept Youth Action Award at We Are Boston Gala

YiMing Yu (余逸銘), a Charlestown High School student is receiving the Youth Action Award at the We Are Boston Gala. We Are Boston Gala (www.cityofboston.gov/weareboston) is hosted by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and the Office of New Bostonians. The Youth Action Award recognizes immigrant youth who translates perseverance, courage of New Bostonians into action; demonstrate… Continue reading BCNC Youth YiMing Yu To Accept Youth Action Award at We Are Boston Gala


【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】由美国《侨报》、《侨报周末》和美国亚洲文化中心共同主办,美东华人社团联合总会、美国华人工商业联合会等机构协办的“美东地区首届少年儿童中文写作大赛”总决赛11月17日下午在纽约《侨报》总部隆重举行。 (左起)来自波士顿的朱安妮、郭耀匀、唐若洋在纽约《侨报》总部 (王书艺 摄)。

Mass. Awarded $720,856 Grant for Export Promotion and Lt. Gov. Murray Announces Third Round of the Brownfields Support Team Initiative

Obama Administration Awards Mass. $720,856 Grant to Assist with Export Promotion BOSTON – December 3, 2012 – The Patrick-Murray Administration today announced that Massachusetts was awarded a $720,856 grant from the United States Small Business Administration, which will help enhance international trade opportunities for small businesses.

“薪火相传、真情可贵”——央视9频道刘文总监一行访问剑桥中文学校 赠送纪录片《舌尖上的中国》

高青,剑桥中国文化中心 11月25日,中国中央电视台9频道的刘文总监,纪录频道制片人韩雯,纪录频道翻译李瑨等一行参观访问了剑桥中国文化中心。中心董事长纪虎民,副校长李正玲, 董事高青,以及学校项目负责人张朴,付丽娜等陪同刘总一行参观了中文学校华森校区,包括小篷车双语幼儿园,舞蹈,中文,数学,乒乓球,绘画等各教室, 并饶有兴趣浏览了暑期班,夕阳红,家长会和校友会的墙报。 (左三起):李正玲、纪虎民、刘文、高青等访问结束时一起合影留念。 (剑桥中国文化中心 提供)