“蘭亭雅聚”11月份聚會探討顏真卿書法藝術 規劃明年二月藝術展覽

【孫志勝, bostonese.com 專欄作家,楊波 攝影】波士頓地區“蘭亭雅聚”書法愛好者,於11月18日星期日下午在Framingham公共圖書館會議室舉辦了中國書法講座研討活動,波城附近有近20多位書法愛好者參加了研討活動, 這次活動的主題是研習和欣賞顏體書法藝術,由宋向陽先生作了題為“顏體麻姑山仙壇帖的臨習與欣賞”的專題演講。 黃鏡明先生寫的“後生可畏”條幅 (楊波 攝)。

2012 Acton Chinese Music Night – Beautiful Music and Dance That Will Take Your Breath Away

Please mark your calendar for Sunday, Dec. 2, 2012. From 6:30-8:30 p.m., the grand “2012 Acton Chinese Music Night” will proudly be presented to you jointly by the Acton Chinese Language School (ACLS), the Angel Dance Company, the Town of Acton Recreation Department, and the Acton-Boxborough Cultural Council. It will be held at the Acton-Boxborough… Continue reading 2012 Acton Chinese Music Night – Beautiful Music and Dance That Will Take Your Breath Away

烟雨康奈尔 ― 兼记2012康奈尔中国论坛“改革视野”印象

(作者康奈尔中国论坛青年嘉宾、世界银行青年经济学家石拓之父) 旅美三个多月来,已经看够了在国内已成稀缺资源的蓝天白云和没有灰尘飞舞其中的明净阳光,因此刚走进小镇伊萨卡的一派蒙蒙细雨中时,还不太适应那种阴天和湿润。但当我仰视依附东山山势而建,蜿蜒起伏的康奈尔大学时,不由一顫,暗暗庆幸老天可能让我看到了康奈尔最美的一面。从山脚自下而上层叠交加的红叶与黄叶树林中,教堂尖顶、古老而错落的红砖建筑和多条盘旋交织的山道时隐时现;向西望去,则是似幻似真,在烟波朦胧中有数点帆影的“五指湖”;而从山上流淌下来的钟声,缓慢地掠过小镇的天空, 一波又一波地漫向远处的湖面,在雨雾中显得格外空寂悠长,仿佛天上也荡漾出一片湖泊来。我向来以为,只有能够调动人情绪的风景才是好的风景,否则就只是一个画面或者一张相片。而身临一个完全陌生的美国文化环境,我身上被岁月掩埋已深的所有中国式情绪竟然在刹那间都冒了出来,比如乡愁和感伤,比如沉思和忧郁,比如江南雨季,比如晨钟暮鼓,甚至连青少年时代才有的种种情愫都在此时喷涌而出,而在被“小资情调”突然包裹住的体内,居然升腾起阵阵虚热。让人感慨之余不禁自嘲,一个花甲老头,一不小心还让老房子失了火。当然,我明白其中原因,我真是碰上了好风景。 论坛组织者合影(来自康奈尔中国论坛人人网主页: page.renren.com/601458495?checked=true)

Opening Remarks for MIT-CHIEF 2012

By Rui Li, Founder and Co-President of MIT-CHIEF, on Nov. 16, 2012 Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends, A very good evening. On behalf of the organizing committee, I’m very excited and delighted to welcome you to the second annual MIT-CHIEF conference, to share the exciting moments with us.

GBCCA Chinese Music Ensemble Presents a Suona Seminar Given by Guo Yazhi

By GBCCA Chinese Music Ensemble Mr. Guo is a renowned suona soloist, and former principal suona of Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. This seminar is co-sponsored by Harvard Tea Party. Saturday, December 1st 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Science Center, Lecture Hall A, Harvard University 1 Oxford St. Cambridge, MA (Map: map.harvard.edu/?bld=04420 ) Free Admission Guo… Continue reading GBCCA Chinese Music Ensemble Presents a Suona Seminar Given by Guo Yazhi