Nightmare in Colorado, When Violence in Movies Becomes Reality at Midnight Screening

AURORA, Colorado, July 21 (Xinhua) — “I still can’t believe it. It’s still unreal. I can’t believe something just happened so close to our home,” Janelle Janrett told Xinhua, recalling the Aurora theater mass shooting that killed 12 people and injured 58 others early Friday morning. She was praying at a roadside memorial for the… Continue reading Nightmare in Colorado, When Violence in Movies Becomes Reality at Midnight Screening

Life of an Academic with a 40-Year Teaching Career at Harvard University

By Yu-Chi Larry Ho, Gordon McKay Professor of Systems Engineering, Emeritus, Harvard University (From 1961 to 2001, Porf. Ho taught at School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University. One of his proudest achievements is the total of 50 students who received Ph.D. degrees from Harvard as a result of his one-on-one style teaching. This… Continue reading Life of an Academic with a 40-Year Teaching Career at Harvard University


【侨报周末特約記者李強波士頓報道】美國近年來離婚率居高不下,加上許多戀人因結婚費用高、以及對於離婚的恐懼等原因,而選擇不結婚。在這樣的社會背景之下,能夠等到金婚紀念日的夫妻實在不多。日前,波士頓天主敎會在波士頓聖十字架敎堂,爲97對在1962年結婚的夫妻舉行了隆重的金婚慶祝會。 在波士頓聖十字架敎堂的金婚慶祝儀式。(黃鐵鎰提供)

Student Achievement Gains in U.S. Fail to Close International Achievement Gap

CAMBRIDGE, MA – A new study of international and U.S. state trends in student achievement growth shows that the United States is squarely in the middle of a group of 49 nations in 4th and 8th grade test score gains in math, reading, and science over the period 1995-2009. Melissa Ludtke (middle) shows a quilt… Continue reading Student Achievement Gains in U.S. Fail to Close International Achievement Gap

“中国的底特律” 襄阳市代表团波士顿招商纳贤

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】湖北省第二大城市襄阳市代表团6月27日在波士顿北郊沃本镇的四川饭庄举行了襄阳科技城招商餐会。以副市长丁亚琳为团长的9人代表团向40多位与会者介绍了襄阳市和襄阳科技城的发展近况。 丁亚琳(左一)、林世文(左二)、凯得尔森公司合伙人Ronald Paloni(右一)等听张二利现身说法。


【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】两年前,钢琴天才牛牛从家乡厦门来到麻州核桃山音乐学校读书,做起一名小留学生。 6月中旬,在牛牛即将赴亚洲展开巡演之前,记者在莱克星顿市的麻州佛敎会普贤讲堂同牛牛做了简短的访谈。 第一次见到牛牛是在去年的12月亚文中心中国曲目小提琴比赛决赛上。 半年没见,牛牛的个头又长高了不少,已经超过了父亲张长峰。 他对记者表示,目前对留学生活比较适应,感谢父母一同来美国陪他读书。 牛牛在日本巡演中签名发售新专辑。(牛牛妈妈提供)

Elizabeth Wu from Canton Mass. Took Home Two Gold Medals in Taekwondo National Championships

By David Li, Boston – The American Taekwondo United(ATU) National Taekwondo Championships was held in Atlanta in June 2012. More than 800 contestants from all 50 states competed in this national tournament. Elizabeth Wu, a 13-year-old from Canton, Mass. won two championships in her age group by outperforming her peers. Behind the gold medals,… Continue reading Elizabeth Wu from Canton Mass. Took Home Two Gold Medals in Taekwondo National Championships

“波士顿人在北京” 美国青年在中国打拼的成功案例

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】18年前,一部《北京人在纽约》的电视剧在中美两国热播。 该剧描写了多位北京人在纽约奋斗与挣扎的生存故事,获得过多项大奖。 十多年后的今天,随着中国经济实力的不断增强,中国也成为成千上万美国年轻人寻梦和奋斗的地方。 这篇报道的两位主人公就是其中的佼佼者。 一次旅行改变一个波士顿靑年的人生


【僑報周末特約記者李強波士頓圖文報道】今年以來,麻州佛敎屆同外州以及來自中國大陸、港台的佛敎同仁的交流日益增多。法曜法師、少林寺達摩禪武院的釋德力和尙以及香港藝人甘國衛居士等紛紛到麻州訪問講學。 釋德力(左三)、甘國衛(左四)等人在哈佛大學合影。