CACA Boston Lodge Honors CHSNE as It Relaunches

By Victor Chen, Boston, Dec. 16, 2014, — Chinese American Citizens Alliance (CACA) relaunched its Boston Lodge Charter and held Inauguration Gala in the evening of Dec. 13 at Hei La Moon restaurant in Boston Chinatown. Chinese Historical Society of New England (CHSNE) was honored at the Gala as their “2015 Community Organization of… Continue reading CACA Boston Lodge Honors CHSNE as It Relaunches

Green Development Index Report Series Launched Successfully in Beijing

By Tong Zhang, Beijing, Dec. 8, 2014, — Green Development Index Report Series launched successfully today at China National Radio New Media Building in Beijing. Human Green Development Report 2014(Chinese-English Edition), China Green Development Index Report 2014_Regional Comparison (Chinese-English Edition) and China Green Finance Report 2014 were released to public by the research team… Continue reading Green Development Index Report Series Launched Successfully in Beijing

Shouying Liu Visits Dr. Tea and Gives Talk at Harvard

Cambridge, Dec. 3, 2014, –The well-known Chinese economist and Vice Minister of Department of Rural Development Shuoying Liu gave a talk on China’s Urbanization and land reform at Harvard Graduate School of Design this evening. A visiting scholar at Harvard Kennedy School, Mr. Liu just finished his invited lecture at International Monetary Fund(IMF) yesterday, among… Continue reading Shouying Liu Visits Dr. Tea and Gives Talk at Harvard

Boston Tea Party Comes Alive at Boston Harbor This December

Boston, Nov. 17, 2014, — The history of Boston Tea Party comes alive this December. It’s December 16, 1773 and trouble was brewing in Boston. Presented by Boston’s famed Old South Meeting House and the new Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum, the 241st Boston Tea Party Anniversary & Annual Reenactment is an opportunity for the public… Continue reading Boston Tea Party Comes Alive at Boston Harbor This December

“Orphan San Mao” to be Premiered at Jordan Hall

By Joan Huang, Composer It’s my great pleasure to announce that “Orphan San Mao” will be premiered at NEC’s Jordan Hall on Nov. 23. Renowned Erhu artist Tao He and conductor Frank Epstein will team up with me to make sure that the premiere will bring you such unique music experience that you will never… Continue reading “Orphan San Mao” to be Premiered at Jordan Hall

Notes from Boston Asian American Film Festival Preview Party

By Jing Xia, translated by David Li, Boston, Oct. 12, 2014, –Boston Asian American Film Festival(BAAFF) will be held from Oct. 23 to 26. A preview party was held on Oct. 9 at Crave restaurant in Chinatown by BAAFF, Future Boston Alliance and Asian American Resource Workshop. The party invited well-known local businesses such… Continue reading Notes from Boston Asian American Film Festival Preview Party

Boston Marks China’s National Day with Flag Raising Ceremony

By David Li, Boston, Oct. 1, 2014, — Today is the 65th Anniversary of founding of People’s Republic of China. A flag raising ceremony was held at Boston City Hall plaza on Sept. 27. Over a thousand people showed up to witness the national flag of China rising along side of US National and… Continue reading Boston Marks China’s National Day with Flag Raising Ceremony

2014 CHSNE Annual Report and Sojourner Award

By Sherry Dong, president of Chinese History Society of New England (CHSNE), on Sept. 24, 2014 Halfway through the week, we hope we can help you ease into the weekend with the Chinese Historical Society of New England’s annual banquet. Thank you Susan Chinsen for introducing tonight’s program. Last year we were pleased to welcome… Continue reading 2014 CHSNE Annual Report and Sojourner Award