Gov. Patrick Urges Residents to Stay Home on Monday As Hurricane Sandy Moves North

By David Li, Boston – In the afternoon of Sunday, October 28, Governor Patrick held a news conference wearing a Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) uniform. He urged Massachusetts workers, including non-essential state employees to stay home on Monday. Hurricane Sandy has killed 65 people in the Caribbean islands, and is threatening lives and… Continue reading Gov. Patrick Urges Residents to Stay Home on Monday As Hurricane Sandy Moves North


(美国国际学院提供) 美国国际学院于10月15日接待了来自中国广州的暨南大学代表团,该团由叶勤副校长带队,有新闻学院,法学院,管理学院,药学学院和理工学院五位院长,以及行政管理部门的处长(科研处、国际交流合作处、学生处等)共25位成员。

Caught In the Web Reviewed by a Chinese Language Teacher

By Serena Li, teacher at Kwong Kow Chinese School Caught in the Web is a Chinese movie directed by Chen Kaige, a leading figure of the fifth generation of Chinese cinema. In this July 2012 movie, director Chen tried to combine the passion for Internet among modern Chinese people with his unique storytelling skills. Caught… Continue reading Caught In the Web Reviewed by a Chinese Language Teacher


趙鍾英, 專欄作家 【編者注: 趙鍾英老師1931年出生於南京,1937年隨家人到重慶,抗戰勝利後回到南京,1949年到台灣。在1950年作為小留學生從台灣來到美國後,趙老師60多年來經歷了美國社會和人生的許多變遷,但是她積極樂觀的人生態度、瀟灑大方的性格卻沒有絲毫改變。】 2011年9月6日,“美食詩社”成員在GBCCA合影。前排左起:心台、趙鍾英、史君慧、何文、王啟華,後排左起:鄧光容、超歌、川流、李宇、徐景芬、齊雅明、張難。

情系波士顿港 成就共赢直航

(来自中国经济网) 夏去秋来,煦日和风,西半球古老的海运枢纽——美国波士顿港焕发着别样生机。随着巨型货轮陆续进港,码头工人开始忙碌,塔吊旋即运转,货车来来往往,卸载远渡重洋而来的货物。 这样忙碌而繁荣的场景,每周五都会在悬挂中国国旗的货轮上出现。此情此景,在62岁的波士顿人哈金看来是那么熟悉。站在港边,他动情地对记者说,是中国中远集团2002年选择挂靠波士顿港才带来了眼前的这一切。作为中远与波士顿港联姻的“媒人”,任职于美中合作发展委员会的哈金见证了中远十年来与波士顿港合作的全过程。

New Bostonians Summit: Immigrant Families’ Educational and Economic Success is Boston’s Future

By David Li, The New Bostonioan Summit was held on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 8:00 AM at City Year’s Lavine Civic Forum. The half-day summit focused on top issues facing Boston’s immigrants. About 250 Boston’s immigrants and representatives from several sectors attended the Summit The half-day summit provided an update on the New… Continue reading New Bostonians Summit: Immigrant Families’ Educational and Economic Success is Boston’s Future

红蓝争夺 麻州联邦参议员大选角斗激烈

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】距离11月6日的大选日还剩三周,连日红蓝阵营对麻州选民的争夺进入白热化,一方面总统选情激烈,现任总统奥巴马角逐的一方是曾任麻州州长的罗姆尼, 然而最新的民调显示,罗姆尼在麻州以14%比33%的支持率落后于总统奥巴马。红营自不敢掉以轻心,期望在另一场席卷麻州范围的选举中取胜。为入主国会参院,共和党的布朗和民主党的沃伦进入肉搏战,民调则互有胜负。关键性选举扑面而来,麻州选民你准备好了吗? 布朗(左)和沃伦在第3次辩论中 (美联社)

Inaugural Cornell China Conference To Start on October 27

By David Li,, translated by Lang Gao On the weekend of October 27 – 28, the Cornell China Conference will be held in Cornell University, a member of the prestigious Ivy League located in Ithaca, New York. Cornell Chinese Students Association (CCSA), the organizer of this conference states that the theme of the conference… Continue reading Inaugural Cornell China Conference To Start on October 27