MIT Sloan CIO Symposium The 9th Annual MIT Sloan CIO Symposium today announced ten companies for its 2012 Innovation Showcase which represent cutting edge B2B solutions that combine the strongest value and innovation to enterprise IT. The finalists will receive key exposure to many of the world’s most creative and influential IT executives at the… Continue reading MIT Sloan CIO Symposium Selects Finalists for 2012 Innovation Showcase
Author: Intern
薄瓜瓜哈佛校报发文 公开驳斥传闻 一月后毕业
【综合讯】中共前重庆市委书记薄熙来之子薄瓜瓜在父亲被立案调查以来首度公开发表声明,对此前媒体报道的多项传闻进行反驳。 据英国广播公司报道,目前在哈佛大学肯尼迪政治学院攻读研究生的薄瓜瓜,周二晚间在哈佛校报The Harvard Crimson的网站上发表了这份声明。该报社长塞缪尔斯(Benjamin Samuels)称,薄瓜瓜是通过肯尼迪学院的电邮户头将声明传给校报的。此后校报也通过电话与薄瓜瓜确认该声明确实由他本人发出。
Results of The 21st Annual All-American Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition
The 21st Annual All-American Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition (Sponsored and Organized by the Foundation for Chinese Performing Arts, April, 2012) Winners’ List 2012 _________________________ The following 65 winners were chosen from a total of 337 entries (Brush Painting: 190, Calligraphy: 147) submitted by 26 different Chinese Schools, arts studios, and individuals from 8… Continue reading Results of The 21st Annual All-American Chinese Brush Painting and Calligraphy Competition
Nonstop Flight Brings Aisa Closer to New England
By David Li, My first trip to Boston started just after New Year’s Day of 1996 in Hong Kong, still a British colony back then. I left the hotel in the morning, and grabbed a taxi on the street to go to the old Kai Tak Airport. My itinerary included stops in Tokyo and… Continue reading Nonstop Flight Brings Aisa Closer to New England
《闭眼妙传》首映 哈佛女篮亚裔球星担纲主角
【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】就在林书豪带领哈佛大学男子篮球队,打入全美大学体育协会的锦标赛时,还有另一个亚裔篮球控球后卫艾米莉·谭(Emily Tay),也在哈佛打球。 艾米莉比林书豪高一个年级,在众多支持她在欧洲职业女篮打拼的人中,林书豪也曾是其中之一。
India BU Student Body to Arrive Soon
(, March 23) The body of an Indian student who was shot dead in the US last week is likely to be flown back to India on Monday, family members say.
【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】由麻州大学孔子学院主办的美国新英格兰地区第二届大学生“汉语桥”风采大赛于3月份在麻州大学波士顿校区圆满落下帷幕。 来自新英格兰地区的参赛大学生在评委和观众面前展示了他们努力学习汉语和中国文化所取得的成绩。 麻州大学孔子学院院长Kathleen Teehan。 麻州大学孔子学院提供
Boston Native Keeps It Fresh in Beijing
(from Stepping off the airplane onto Chinese soil for the first time, Scott Minoie was geared with a friend’s e-mail, a backpack and $600 – his life savings. Scott Minoie says running a restaurant with customers you’d get to know by name is his goal with Element Fresh.
南京大学波士顿校友会 南京,是中国历史文化名城、科教人才中心,中国最具发展活力的长三角地区门户城市,中国唯一科技体制综合改革试点城市,2013年亚青会和2014年青奥会主办城市。南京,这座现代化国际性人文绿都,正在奋力打造中国人才与创业创新名城,“321计划”等先行政策的相继出台,为全世界菁英才俊搭建了迈向成功的阶梯。 为了让您更加直观深入地了解南京的全貌,南京的文化,南京的诚意,了解南京为广大海内外人才营造的事业发展环境,南京市政府将于2012年5月25日(周五)下午17:30-20:30 在波士顿一家交通非常方便的宾馆举行。
中美生物医药协会年会闭幕 会长张引履新
【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】2012年波士顿生物医药论坛(BioForum)曁中美生物医药协会(CABA)年会于4月7日在麻省理工学院敎授俱乐部举行。在一天的论坛和年会中,25位业界领袖和专家演讲者同400多位与会者以“展望生物医药行业前景:以创新迎接挑战”为主题,进行了广泛的交流和探讨。 有5年历史的CABA在推动生物医药硏究,促进中美业界交流方面所作出的贡献得到了多位演讲者和与会者的肯定。 张引(前排左二)、郑杰(前排左三)及部分演讲嘉宾和论坛组织者合影。(史记 摄)