超级星期二 王卫东参选莱克星顿住房管理委员会委员

今年的3月6日是总统选举年的超级星期二,在历史名城莱克星顿镇的地方选举中,王卫东博士(Weidong Wang)将参选住房管理委员会,成为第一位在莱克星顿镇全镇范围竞选的华人。麻州居民在6日的选举中将为共和党总统提名投票,前麻州州长罗姆尼应该会拿下麻州的共和党提名。

On Super Tuesday, Weidong Wang becomes the first town-wide Chinese American candidate in Lexington

By David Li, bostonese.com March 6 is the so-called Super Tuesday. In the local elections in the historic city of Lexington, MA, Dr. Weidong Wang will run for committee member of the Lexington Housing Authority, and become the first town-wide Chinese American candidate in Lexington’s long history. Voters of Massachusetts will also cast votes in… Continue reading On Super Tuesday, Weidong Wang becomes the first town-wide Chinese American candidate in Lexington