was created to help both Chinese and non-Chinese readers alike understand the happenings inside and outside the Chinese community, and cultivate better understanding between people in the US and in China in March 2012. This goal is achieved by firsthand reporting by many contributors to and by re-publishing best English reports on news and events in China. Many reports on have been quoted by mainstream media outlets, and even on the cover of the DVD for film Lost Years. is a fully owned subsidiary of Boston Bilingual Media and Publishing Inc.(BBMP Inc.)
波士顿华人双语网(简称双语网)创办于2012年3月份,其宗旨是帮助能够和不能够读中文的朋友了解波士顿华人社区内外的新闻和人物,以及增进中美两国人民间的了解。本网站的文章主要来自于本网站记者、专栏作家和其他波士顿华 人双语网的多位特约作者的第一手资料,以及选登来自中国大型媒体的关于时政的英文报道。过去近8年来,波士顿华人双语网的报道得到多个美国主流的引用,收到奥巴马总统的感谢信,以及被加拿大电影《失去的岁月》的DVD封面引用。本网站近期开办了留学中介业务,为广大中国留学生和家长提供服务。波士顿双语网下属于波士顿双语传媒和出版公司(BBMP Inc.),投稿请寄 bostonese AT。波士顿美亚出版社是BBMP Inc.提供的另外一个服务项目,其宗旨是面向中美两国读者,发行和出版中英文图书,详情见。欢迎计划在美国出书立作的朋友们同我们联系。
Contributors to
The following are bios of some contributors to
Amy Yang(杨欣欣):Amy is a long time reporter at various media outlets. She is now executive chief editor of 杨欣欣曾在多家中美媒体实习并工作,包括波士顿的CW-56电视台、《世界日报》等。目前为印州大学布鲁明顿分校新闻学院(School of Journalism)博士生,也是印州新闻生活的执行主编,以及波士顿华人双语网特邀顾问。
Li Qiang(李强):editor-in-chief of Mr. Li received a Master’s Degree in Political Science from Suffolk University. He has worked as reporter for Sing Tao Daily, The China Press, Boston Chinese News and His book on WWII veteran Arthur Wong was selected as 100 best WWII books in China in 2015.
Beatrice Lee (赵锺英):Born and raised in China, Beatrice came to U.S for college and graduate school in 1950s. She taught English and Math teachers for Arlington, Winchester and Lexington high schools and retired as state employee as Case manager for the Welfare Dept. Beatrice has done volunteer for 40 years for the church and community. Still as a freelance news media reporter and reviewer for arts and entertainment for several Chinese newspapers for the last 15 years. Lives in West Medford for 30 years, 5 children and 13 grandchildren.
Christina Zhang(张子欣)graduated from Northeastern University majored in Bachelor of Science in Leadership in 2014 and Master of Science in Corporate Organizational Communication in 2016. She was actively involved in multiple internships during her Bachelor study. In 2016, she represented attending Harvard China Forum and Harvard Summit for Young Leader, and interviewed a number of entrepreneurs, such as Chenjun Liu (President of Great China), Jingyuan Wang (Newdo Venture) and Project Manager of Veritas Genetics as well as CEO of Skinome. Her interviews have been viewed and shared by online readers for over 10,000 times.
张子欣,2014年毕业于美国东北大学领导力理科学士,2016年获得该校传播学专业硕士学位。本科在校期间多次参加实习活动,2014年4月曾在甄云龙先生(甄子丹父亲)创办的非盈利性机构亚美联谊会实习,协助运营大梦敦煌在Quincy High School的社交媒体宣传工作, 并取得了坐无虚席的圆满成功。2016年代表波士顿双语网赴哈佛中国论坛、哈佛青年领袖峰会、燎原中美投资创投圈峰会报道,采访了温德姆酒店大中华区总裁刘晨军先生、创投圈新秀牛犊创投CEO 王静远先生、哈佛青年领袖兼奕真生物(Veritas Genetics)全基因组报告项目经理、精准医学公司Skinome 创始人覃叩先生等业界领袖。多篇文章在网站浏览量转发量数以万计。
Tong Zhang is a visiting scholar st Emerson College, and a member of Global Youth Leadership.
张橦是全球青年领导力工作室(Global Youth Leadership, GYL)北美社区宣传部长。现为波士顿Emerson College访问学者,研究方向媒介素养教育,北京师范大学传媒教育硕士研究生。本科毕业于中国传媒大学,媒体管理专业、新闻学双学位。拥有扎实的媒介理论知识、广泛的教育学知识,曾在新华通讯社、人民日报社等地实习。
Yuan Wang(王元) is an undergraduate student in University of Massachusetts Boston, College of Management. She is a columnist of Chinese Student and Scholar Association of Umass Boston, a photographer of Confucius Institute, and a We media Writer. She has had internship in Gansu Provincial TV Station in China as an editor.
Hongbin Ren is a graduate student at Emerson College majoring in Communication Management. She has hosted radio shows in Chinese language, and participated in many media events in China and in the US.
任弘缤是爱默生学院研究生,2014年3月起担任广播节目《慢时光》(荔枝fm 96052) 主播,播出节目十余期,听众千余人;2014年3月起担任文学杂志类微信公众号(微信公众号:MD_future)《慢递未来》副主编,平台发布十余期,发布作品十余篇;2013年1月-4月任职北京易思传媒咨询有限公司助理研究员,参与央视及湖南卫视等国内一线媒体的节目测评活动;热爱传媒,并朝着心中的理想国努力前进。
Eric Wu is a graduate student majoring in historic preservation at Roger Williams University. Eric graduated from Peking University with a bachelor’s degree in history in July 2012.
Lin Kong (孔璋林): Lin is a Registered Dietitian with her Master of Nutrition Science from Tufts University. She is a regular health and nutrition columnist for Chinese and English newspapers and websites. She also publishes the Lin’s joyful bite blog. 孔璋林营养师是波士顿地区多家中英文报纸和网站的专栏作家,目前在波士顿中华耆英会担任营养师,兼任波士顿华人双语网留学生辅导员。
Luyuan Zhang (张露元): Luyuan recently graduated from Indiana University School of Journalism with a master’s degree. Before interning at, Her media experiences include internships at WFIU Public Radio of Bloomington, Indiana, and the The Finance Weekly of Wuhan, China. Her article “My First Shooting Experience in the United States” was published on The Herald-Times on July 21, 2013. 张露元研究生毕业于印第安纳大学新闻学院,获得新闻专业硕士学位。本科毕业于华中科技大学人文学院,获对外汉语专业学士学位。在担任波士顿华人双语网实习记者之前,张露元曾经在WFIU电视台(印第安纳州布鲁明顿市),以及湖北日报(中国武汉)的金融周刊实习。她的文章《我在美国的第一次射击体验》于2013年7月21日在印第安纳州《先驱报》发表。
Jing Xia (夏静): Jing holds a master’s degree in project management from Northeastern University, and completed internship at Boston Neighborhood Network TV station. She is currently a reporter for 夏静本科毕业于中国传媒大学,在美国东北大学获得项目管理专业硕士学位。她目前在亚美联谊会工作,是波士顿华人双语网的特约记者和留学生辅导员。
Na Ma (马娜): Columnist for Na is currently a graduate student at School of Journalism at Indiana University. She has had internships at CCTV and People’s Daily in Beijing. 马娜曾在CCTV, 人民日报等媒体实习。目前为印第安纳布鲁明顿大学新闻学院硕士研究生和波士顿华人双语网留学生辅导员。
Tong Chen (陈童)is from Suzhou, Jiangsu province, China. She is now a junior in College of Communication at Boston University. Her major is journalism and focuses on broadcast journalism. She has had internship at Suzhou TV Station and Dragon TV. She is also a contributor to Sampan Newspaper and Boston University News Service. 陈童来自江苏苏州,目前在波士顿大学新闻学院读大三。她曾经在苏州电视台和东方卫视实习,目前也给《舢舨》和波士顿大学新闻服务中心做新闻报道。
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