Tufts Medical Center to Provide Free Cervical and Breast Cancer Screenings to Uninsured Women on October 13

BOSTON – For the third straight year, Tufts Medical Center will host See, Test & Treat®, a free cervical and breast cancer screening program, sponsored by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and funded through grants from the CAP Foundation. The program features same day medical tests, diagnoses and follow-up care for uninsured and underserved… Continue reading Tufts Medical Center to Provide Free Cervical and Breast Cancer Screenings to Uninsured Women on October 13

北美首次独奏会 钢琴天才牛牛弹奏“心灵的声音”

【侨报周末实习记者夏静、特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】 9月21日晚,在Artemisia基金会的支持下,牛牛于新英格兰音乐学院(NEC)乔顿厅举办了北美首次钢琴独奏会。这次音乐会吸引了在《哈利·波特》系列电影中出演赫敏一角的艾玛·沃特森等社会知名人士以及众多音乐爱好者前来聆听。

莱克星顿华裔少年白宫献艺 奥巴马夫妇致信感谢

【波士顿双语网记者李强于2011年7月】日前,家住麻州莱克星顿市的黎卓宇(George Li)收到白宫来信,感谢他6月7日在奥巴马总统在白宫玫瑰花园为德国女总理默克尔(Angela Merkel)举办的国宴上精彩的钢琴独奏表演。 白宫留影。(左起)卓超英、Joachim Sauer(默克尔总理丈夫)、第一夫人米歇尔、黎安宙、默克尔总理、黎卓宇、奥巴马总统和黎小坚。


(来自光明网) 连日来,一批批海内外“游客”悄然进入武汉东湖之滨一座森林中的大学——华中科技大学。这些“游客”,是该校在各个时期培养出来的学子,他 们放弃“十一”黄金周的休假旅游,纷纷返回母校,或参加“校友之夜”音乐会、或参加校友企业家论坛、或参加“校友导师计划”,以各种方式为母校过60岁的 生日。 校庆主图前交响音乐会(史晓萌 摄)。

Beijing Opera in Bikinis? Art or Atrocity

(from peopledaily.com.cn) The mixture of “Beijing opera headwear and bikinis” is actually like “drinking coffee and eating garlic at the same time.” It not only looks strange but also feels odd. Facing queries, organizers of the international bikini contest loudly explained that they were not deliberately imitating the Beijing Opera but just trying to transmit… Continue reading Beijing Opera in Bikinis? Art or Atrocity