Ten States Remain on MA’s COVID Low Risk List

Boston, Sept. 19, 2020, — Only ten states are now on Massachusetts’ lower-risk state list as of yesterday. Wyoming was removed from the list on Friday. Travelers from COVID-19 lower-risk States are not required to fill out the Massachusetts Travel Form and do not need to quarantine. States are included on the list based on meeting two criteria:… Continue reading Ten States Remain on MA’s COVID Low Risk List

Hamel-Lydon Chapel & Cremation Service of Massachusetts Presents Ten Recipients with the 2020 Compassionate Service Award

Quincy, Mass., Sept. 8, 2020, — Hamel-Lydon Chapel & Cremation Service of Massachusetts appreciates the special care and dedication that firsthand healthcare workers provide for their patients and families. In the spirit of compassionate service, Hamel-Lydon is proud to honor individuals by granting the Compassionate Service Award to ten dedicated and caring healthcare providers who… Continue reading Hamel-Lydon Chapel & Cremation Service of Massachusetts Presents Ten Recipients with the 2020 Compassionate Service Award

Happy Fourth Birthday, UCA!

Four years ago, about 400 Chinese Americans gathered in our nation’s capital, henceforth the birth of a civic movement and a new chapter in Chinese American history. The occasion was the first “Chinese American Convention,” the spiritual start of United Chinese Americans (UCA) movement!

Dr. Man-Chung Tang Talks about Traveling to China During Covid-19 Pandemic

Chongqing, China, Sept. 9, 2020 – Dr. Man-Chung Tang, Chairman of the Board of T.Y.Lin International and member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, made his way back to Chongqing from New York after purchasing the 10th flight ticket in half a year. He talked about his experience of trying to get back to… Continue reading Dr. Man-Chung Tang Talks about Traveling to China During Covid-19 Pandemic

“Election Protection” Coalition Flags Vote-by-Mail Issues In Primary Election in MA

BOSTON — Massachusetts experienced a momentous Primary Election with the inaugural roll-out of vote-by-mail (VBM) and the first extended early voting period for a Primary Election. As a result, the Bay State saw record voter turn-out and participation. However, Lawyers for Civil Rights (LCR) observed significant confusion and recorded serious concerns surrounding VBM.

UNICEF to Lead Procurement and Supply of COVID-19 Vaccines

NEW YORK/COPENHAGEN, 4 September 2020 – UNICEF is leading efforts to procure and supply COVID-19 vaccines in what could possibly be the world’s largest and fastest ever procurement and supply of vaccines, as part of the global vaccine plan of the COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access Facility (COVAX Facility) led by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.

Governor Baker Declares Juneteenth Independence Day in Massachusetts

June 19, 2020, Boston, — Governor Charlie Baker today issued a proclamation declaring June 19, 2020 as “Juneteenth Independence Day” in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Celebrated each year on June 19th, Juneteenth commemorates the end of slavery in the United States, and is an opportunity to reflect on the need to continue working toward racial… Continue reading Governor Baker Declares Juneteenth Independence Day in Massachusetts

Funeral of WWII Hero Arthur Wong Held Today

May 1, 2020, — Mr. Arthur Wong of Boston Chinatown passed away on April 26, 2020 at age 96. The funeral of Mr. Wong was held today at Deware Funeral Home in Quincy, Mass. Only eight people were allowed in the funeral home due to the COVID-19 pandemic related restrictions. Mr. Rich Wong, son of… Continue reading Funeral of WWII Hero Arthur Wong Held Today


作者:李蔚华,美南报业电视集团发行人 今晨我依旧在印报车间从印刷工人手中拿到今天出版的美南日报中英文版,回到办公室座位,看到电脑银幕上播放的美南电视节目,心中顿时感慨万千,泪水憯然涌出。回想到孩童时代伴随在父亲身旁,在昏暗的灯光下和他同看一份报纸,数十载岁月匆匆消失,今晨我手中紧握住这份我们一手创办的媒体,岂是命运之安排。 为站在最前线的工作伙伴鼓掌 我要非常感激这段时间新冠疫情发生以来,仍然坚守在岗位上继续努力的同事们,在前线采访的记者,在编辑台上翻译排版的编辑,守在电脑前收发版面的员工,美工台上编辑电视画面的美工同仁,电视台上现场直播的主播导播,立即上缐的美南新闻网站……