Selected Poems by Tom Gee

By Tom Gee,Translated by Nancy Lamb Fray

羊 城 秋 思    一 九 八 五

     穆 穆 黄 花 墓,巍 巍 镇 海 楼。 云 涛 生 碧 树,船 舰 断 江 流。

     城 廓 变 今 古,人 民 有 乐 忧 , 一 轮 珠 海 月,几 度 汉 时 秋。

Thoughts of Guangzhou in Autumn 1985

Yellow Flower Cemetery is so peaceful; Zhen Hai tower is so majestic.
Emerald trees emerge through billowing clouds; numerous vessels float on the river, almost blocking the flowing water.
The city has changed a lot throughout history; the people remain, some happy, some sad.
A bright moon shines above Pearl River and the sea.
I wonder how many autumn seasons have passed since the Han Dynasty.

红 叶   一 九 八 六

     红 叶 映 江 干,西 风 生 暮 寒。

     白 山 兴 未 尽,飞 梦 向 长 安。

Red Foliage 1986

The red leaves are reflected in the river.

The west winds bring in a cold dusk.

Go back to Chang An if you feel a tour of the White Mountains is not enough.


樱花  一 九 八 七

     开 也 匆 匆 洛 也 匆, 万 花 如 雪 类 惊 鸿。

     高 情 干 古 怜 芳 客, 莫 漫 伤 心 吊 绿 丛。

Cherry Blossoms 1987

The blooms come and go very quickly.

The flowers cover the fields like snow, but they pass away as fast as flying swans.

So many nostalgic visitors have come to enjoy the wonderful scenery.

Don’t feel when the green leaves grow.


移 民 梦   二  零 一 二

移 民 梦, 往 事 只 堪 伤,去 也 悲 凉。住 也 悲 凉。国 情 家 事 费 思 量。

移民 梦, 矛 盾 几 时 休。 彼也 神 州。  此 也 神 州。每 逢 风 雨 泪 长 流。

The Immigrant’s Dream 2012

The immigrant’s dreams of past events only bring pain.

Should I go abroad or stay here? I have been sadly hesitant.

There are National conditions and family matters to consider.

In my immigrant’s dream, conflict and uncertainty never stop

There is a lovely land. Here is a lovely land.

Again and again I am conflicted. Again and again my tears flow.


Tom Gee (朱绍昌) grew up in Kaloon (九龙). He graduated from Zhu Hai College,(珠海大学) where he studied Chinese Literature. He came to the United States in 1963.

For the past fifty years he has written over one thousand poems; some have been published in several renowned poetry collection books in China. His main interest lies in Du Fu and Southern Song Styles.

His “Pearl River Poetry Collection”(“珠江乐府”) was first published in the United States in 1984, with a second edition in 2001.

In 2009 he taught classes at the Chinese-American Fine Arts Society, 11 Edinboro St., Boston, in the Tang Poetry style. He has also given several literary lectures. He will be teaching there again in October, 2012, this time in the Song Poetry style.

Translated by Nancy Lamb Fray ( 林 兰 寺)
For the past four years, Nancy Lamb Fray has been studying Calligraphy under the tutelage of Mike Mei,(梅宇国) at the Chinese-American Fine Arts Society. She is currently studying Mandarin and is translating Mr. Gee’s poems along with painting them in the Lu Shu style (绿书).