新春联谊舞会、蛇年春节联欢晚会、元宵酒会 大纽约地区侨学界欢度春节





晚会着装要求: 商业休闲,谢绝牛仔裤,拖鞋、短裤、球衣球裤、运动装

Bidding farewell to the tumultuous dragon year, we embrace fully our next zodiac fortune of the snake which is considered a small dragon according to the ancient fable but is of no lesser statue.

Ushering in the Year of the Snake, and with festive holiday wishes and blessings, the Tri-State Artists Association once again brings together the most energetic teams from around the Tri-State and the Greater NYC metropolitan neighborhoods to celebrate this special occasion with you.

As an honored guest, you will enjoy a rich 20-course dinner including lobster rice and abalone soup topped off with sweet and sticky NianGao as dessert. Meeting new friends and reconnecting with previous ones, you will then be treated to an evening of wonderful music and dance showcasing some of the most gifted stars from institutions such as the Juilliard and Harvard, featuring Eastern and Western classics as well as traditional folk instruments sounding off in distinctive styles, sexy Middle Eastern and colorful peacock dances to be on full displays, rock bands and inspiring choirs will help to end the Gala on highest notes … You will also have several chances to win prizes and raffles. And be sure to bring enough business cards with you to exchange with colleagues from your own field, and to build bridges with potential partners from various professions and industries.

So the Lunar New Year Ball had just begun, you will then have the opportunity to learn hand-in-hand with professional instructors the hottest moves in town, or better known as – Gangnam Style Chachacha … Of course moderate amount of champagne and wine will readily be served free of charge.

Hurry, dress yourself up like a princess or prince royally and have your high-tech mobile phones fully charged, and simply come join us for an unforgettable evening of delicious food and drink, the prime location to meet the emerging talents and prospective business partners of tomorrow, and the opportunity to dance side-by-side with some of the most beautiful people in the spirit of our extravagant celebrations and business exchange …

Dress Code: No slippers, sneakers, tanktops, jeans or pullovers please!

购票站 (Online E-Ticket Purchase): northamericanartistssociety.tix.com

(座位有限,请提前购买 limited seatings only, please reserve ASAP)

If you purchase tickets on-site the day of the performance, there will be additional charge due to last-minute administrative overheads incurred.For groups of 6 guests buying together, 10% is AUTOMATICALLY applied to your purchase.

FYI: In addition to having front-row seats, VIP guests also have tables with snacks throughout the entire Gala, but those seats are very limited, so purchase early.

观众抽奖 -〉第一奖 = 价值大约一千五百美元豪华婚纱套餐,赞助商-〉幸福起点
Raffle First Prize Winner will receive a Total Package which is valued at around $1,500 from the Forever Wedding Studio.

第二奖 = 价值大约可高达五百美元优质白玉, 赞助商-〉如意珠宝
Raffle Second Prize Winner will receive a fine-quality white Jade valued at up to $500, provided by the N.Y. Jewlery.

询问 (Inquiry): [email protected]

时间 (Date and Time): Jan 27th, 6:00pm

地点 (Venue):
The Home of the famous Orchestra of St. Luke’s,
The DiMenna Center, 450 West 37th Street, New York, NY 10018 

VIP前排座晚会舞会: $60


爆竹声中一岁除,门浴春风梅吐艳。鼠牛虎兔年龙或许就这么过来了,蛇年可是大大的不同。不仅人类刚刚从世界末日中重生,还有一件更重要的事情马上就要发生了—— “欢聚纽约”第二界美东学界联合元宵晚会及鸡尾酒会马上要隆重登场。

美轮美奂的千人剧场展现美东地区学界29社团联合打造的巅峰水准。六位顶级古筝大师带来古典韵语,十二位青春靓丽的天使模特四季变装走秀与您台下互动,九位专业音乐教授带来小提琴团协奏温柔轻吟,百老汇“狮子王”主演上海戏剧学院教授放歌纽约,少林绝技震撼舞台,港澳侨胞气势恢宏的粤语“万里长城永不倒”大合唱,还有风情万种的肚皮舞。现场互动更会呈上惊喜大奖,精彩不容错过。一等奖:1200美元大溪地南洋珍珠链,二等奖:蜀留香总价值1000美元的代金卷。三等奖:Mini Ipad,请关注网站:www.thegreaternyc.com


2013年2月17日,你我一起度过。网站: www.thegreaternyc.com

千人元宵团圆晚会 7:00pm-9:00pm NYU Skirball Center. 566 LaGuardia Place, New York, NY 10012

五百人社交鸡尾酒会 8::30pm-12:30pm Amity Hall Club. 80 West 3rd street, New York, NY 10012 (从剧场步行一分钟) 送两杯酒水和抽奖

建议捐赠:元宵晚会:A区 45 元,B区25元,C区15元 VIP:80元:贵宾晚宴+酒会 (Donate please)
社交鸡尾酒会:15元 送酒水和抽奖

公共交通:地铁W4/Wash Sq站(A,B,C,D,E,F,M )
票务信息:1. www.thegreaternyc.com
2. 曼哈顿: 230 Grand Street, 401B New York, NY 10013
3. 法拉盛:136-20 Roosevelt ave 新世界商城 suite 101 如意珠宝报名。
加盟/咨询联系:9175725076, 3472607173, 9174559094,9177040908



轻舞飞扬 - 金蛇狂舞





时间:2013年1月20 日(星期日), 7:00 – 11:00 pm (1月21日是马丁路德金纪念日)

地点:The Prince George Ballroom, 15 East 27th Street, New York, NY 10016

着装: 女士:晚礼服或 Club 着装;男士:西装领带 (注:有免费 Coat Check )

备注:本次活动采用电子票的形式,入场签到时请带上打印的PayPal Order Receipt和Photo ID;如购买多张票,请将Receipt转发给您的朋友并提醒他们凭Receipt和Photo ID入场。

网上售票将于1月19日6:00pm截止。过去四届舞会反响热烈,最后出现一票难求的情况。今年舞会的门票,请大家尽早订购。如果你有任何问题,请发送邮件 [email protected]


主办校友会:复旦大学丶上海医科大学 丶交通大学

协办校友会和组织:北京大学丶北医丶浙江大学丶中国科学技术大学丶南开大学丶山东大学丶华南理工大学丶东南大学丶上海财经大学丶天津大学丶同济大学丶厦门大 学丶北京外国语大学丶南京大学丶清华大学丶中国人民大学丶中山大学丶中国政法大学丶中央财经大学丶武汉大学丶欧美同学会美国之友会丶全美华人金融协会(TCFA)丶亚洲金融协会 (Asian Financial Society)丶The Association of Chinese American Physicians (ACAP)


金级赞助商:Pryor Cashman LLP │美国普凯律师事务所
