Wu Ying Vocal Studio 2013 Concert To Be Held on Jan. 12 in Lexington

Ying Wu, a mezzo-soprano, B.A. in Vocal Performance from Hangzhou Normal University, China. After her graduation, she performed as a soloist with the Performing Arts of Beijing Postal. In 2007, Ms. Wu played the title role in opera “Carmen” with Zhejiang Opera and Dance Drama Theatre. She also taught vocal performances in Beijing Zhongyin Arts… Continue reading Wu Ying Vocal Studio 2013 Concert To Be Held on Jan. 12 in Lexington



NAAAP研讨会 探讨职业女性发展

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】全美亚裔专业人士协会(NAAAP)波士顿分会日前在波士顿后湾的一家酒店举办了亚裔职业女性(WIN!)主题研讨会,多位成功亚裔女性同60多位与会者分享了她们的职场经验,强调建立自信心是事业取得成功的前提。 上图:黄慧宝(左一)和其他与会者听NAAAP波士顿分会会长庄沛颖(Lesley Chuang )致开幕词。

Malden Beats: Cub Scouts Give Back, Mayor’s First Online Forum of 2013, Panning Board Vacancy

Malden, Mass. — Malden Cub Scout Pack 603 skipped their annual holiday party this year and instead made it about giving and helping others in the community. They joined forces with the Bread of Life and assisted on two separate occasions with packaging gifts that the Bread of Life hands out on Christmas Day. Pictured… Continue reading Malden Beats: Cub Scouts Give Back, Mayor’s First Online Forum of 2013, Panning Board Vacancy

美食诗社聚会 为诗友送行 祝福新年

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】 12月15日,波士顿美食诗社的12月份聚会在川流家中举行。诗友们纷纷对即将回中国任教的诗社发起人之一李宇表达了美好的祝愿。刚刚做完膝关节替换手术的赵钟英老师和从罗德岛赶来的诗人黎家活的参与,更是让本次聚会充满了节日气氛。 上图:李宇(后排左三)、川流(后排左五)、赵钟英(前排左三)等聚会者合影。


【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道, 楼素萍 摄影】2012年12月30日晚,喜洋洋乐队在摩顿市华夏文化协会的会址举办了喜洋洋2013元旦晚会。喜洋洋乐队、波士顿京剧协会、东方舞蹈团、舞彩人生以及特邀嘉宾为100多名观众们带来了十多个精彩节目。 上图:《大海航行靠舵手》忠字舞(楼素萍 摄)。

Newton South High Grad Kerry Berry Brogan Appointed Flying Tiger Goodwill Ambassador

The Flying Tiger Historical Organization (FTHO) announces the appointment of actress Kerry Berry Brogan as its Goodwill Ambassador. Brogan is an American actress based in Beijing who plays western female characters in Chinese TV dramas and films. She is also well known for her work in promoting Sino-American cultural understanding.

Too Little Too Late, President Obama Hints at A Smaller Fiscal Cliff Deal on Last Day of 2012

By David Li, bostonese.com In the afternoon of Dec. 31, 2012, President Obama held a news conference in the White House. Obama told reporters that a deal that would prevent taxes going up for 98% of Americans on Jan. 1, 2013 is “within sight” while also stayed that he would have preferred a larger deal… Continue reading Too Little Too Late, President Obama Hints at A Smaller Fiscal Cliff Deal on Last Day of 2012


【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】于2008年由4位华人创办的波士顿网源设计(Boston Web Power)12月11日晚在莱克星顿市举办了2012年终餐会。200多位与会者在分享了美食之后,听黄小燕博士介绍了该公司的发展历程,多位客户代表也发言,感谢波士顿网源设计为他们在互联网上开拓市场。