China Opens World’s Longest High-speed Rail Connecting Beijing and Guangzhou

(from With the Spring Festival around the corner, many migrant workers are planning to go back home to celebrate with their families. Every year it’s hard to get a ticket. With the Beijing to Guangzhou high-speed rail coming to service, will the situation improve? Passengers board bullet train G80 to leave for Beijing, capital… Continue reading China Opens World’s Longest High-speed Rail Connecting Beijing and Guangzhou

携手一甲子 300人同庆吴陈钻婚

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】 美国内科学院院士吴皓医生和中国合富辉煌公司创办人之一吴芸女士12月9日假华埠帝苑大酒楼为父母吴肇震、陈庆生举办了盛大的钻婚庆祝晚宴,300多位亲友和侨团代表出席。波士顿市府代表墨非(Stephen Murphy)特意带来了市长曼宁诺签名的钻婚证书,以及波士顿市议会的贺信。 上图:(左起)方柳君、吴皓、墨非、陈庆生、吴肇震、吴芸展示市政府的钻婚证书和贺信。

郭雅志唢呐讲座 畅谈艺术成长之路

【侨报周末实习记者王昊、特约记者李强报道】提起中国的传统乐器唢呐,你也许会想到的是高亢嘹亮的音色,中国农村的婚礼场景,唢呐上飘飏的红绸布,或是那吹唢呐的汉子脸上刀刻斧砍般的皱纹。但是我相信你绝对不会想到西服领带,交响乐音乐厅,爵士乐等现代化,时尚化的元素。可是一场别开生面的讲座让大家彻底改变这种传统的观念。 上图:(左起)谭嘉陵、潘台春和郭雅志在交谈中。(主办方提供)

Xi Jinping: Man of the People

Party’s top leader has developed a deep understanding of the public’s needs and vows to improve conditions in future. It was a pleasant early December morning in a verdant park in Shenzhen, in South China’s Guangdong province. Early risers carrying on their usual morning exercise did not expect to see a big name. Xi Jinping… Continue reading Xi Jinping: Man of the People

创业世界杯波城站吿捷 奥巴马同窗出任评委

【侨报周末实习记者王昊、特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】12月15日,创业世界杯波士顿站的比赛在哈佛大学举行。大赛分国际赛区和国内赛区,采用预选赛、中国总决赛、全球总决赛的形式。当天获得前3名的队伍可以参加2013年3月底在硅谷的总决赛。 上图: 比赛之后,参赛团队、组织者和评委合影。

BEHC Won Gold Prize at 2012 World Choral Festival

By David Li, In the evening of December 5, 2012, the world-famous Vienna’s Golden Hall of the Musikverein Concert was packed. Boston Eastern Heritage Chorus(BEHC) performed in the closing ceremony of the World Choral Festival of Adults and Seniors. Conductor Mr. Qiao Wanjun walked up to the central station. With a gently gesture from… Continue reading BEHC Won Gold Prize at 2012 World Choral Festival

交流合作 招聘人才 华中科大校长李培根访问波士顿

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】12月7日,华中科技大学李培根校长一行在结束了对多伦多的访问之后,对波士顿进行了为期两天的访问,同本地多家高校进行了交流合作的磋商。李培根的来访受到波士顿地区华中科大校友的热情接待,华中科大波士顿校友会还协助在哈佛大学教育学院,于12月8日举办了华中科技大学波士顿人才招聘会。 上图:李培根在哈佛大学的招聘会上回答提问。

HUST President Li Peigen’s N.A. Visit Aimed to Attract Talents Overseas

From Dec. 4 to 12, HUST (Huazhong University of Science and Technology) delegation headed by its president Prof. Li Peigen visited some famous universities in Canada and the U.S. in order to develop substantive cooperation with these universities, recruit high-level talents and promote HUST’s internationalization process. Prof. Li had a meeting with Dr. Joseph E.… Continue reading HUST President Li Peigen’s N.A. Visit Aimed to Attract Talents Overseas

波士顿华人摄影协会12月聚会 陆德礼出任新年度会长

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】波士顿华人摄影协会的12月份聚会9日在弗莱明罕镇公共图书馆,20多位摄影爱好者出席了本次聚会,听取了中国著名摄影家和水下洞穴、沉船探险者吴立新的以“内太空的震撼”为题做了精彩讲解。2012年度会长杨波在作了年度小结之后,宣布2013年度新任会长为大家推选的陆德礼,李明伟出任副会长。 上图:吴立新(后排左六)、杨波(后排左七)、陆德礼(后排右四)、齐雅明(后排右二)同与会者合影。(李明伟 摄)

Messi Scores Record 91st Goal to End Brilliant 2012

(from Lionel Messi, one of the contenders for the Ballon D’Or award, was looking to continue his stunning momentum and to extend the calendar year record he broke earlier this month. The Argentine talent led his Barcelona against Real Valladolid on Saturday in the last round of the Spanish La Liga before the winter… Continue reading Messi Scores Record 91st Goal to End Brilliant 2012