
黄淑琳,《纽约时报》北京分社实习生 “你不觉得太对不起中国人吗?你的中文太差了!”上周在北京坐出租车的时候,司机这样批评我。其实,这个司机态度很友好,但我还是无语了:我是一个中国人吗?师傅,难道您认为,凡是长得像中国人的人都必须会说流利的中文吗?凡是白人就一定讲英文吗? 黄淑琳曾经获得过澳大利亚总理亚洲奖,得到总理吉拉德接见。

Malden Beats: Arts Month, English Works Campaign and A Special Raffle

Malden, Mass. – Mayor Christenson presented proclamations to members of various Malden community groups that sponsored local art, music, performances, crafts and fun during the month of September. The Mayor has declared September 2012 as “Celebrating Arts Month” and encourages the support and participation of all residents. (L to R)Carol Ann Desiderio, Karen Colon Hayes,… Continue reading Malden Beats: Arts Month, English Works Campaign and A Special Raffle

在台北吃波士頓龍蝦 享受鮮美的好味道

米兒, (from http://vannessahsu.pixnet.net/blog) 終於有時間好好寫這篇食記時才發現, 哇!原來我三年多沒來安東廳吃過飯啦?好像自從法國主廚諾爾跳槽到晶華酒店之後,喜來登安東廳就一直非常安靜,有點失去光彩的樣子。不過,經過這幾年的時 間,原本是副主廚的許漢家也經過不少磨煉,升格為主廚,這次推出的「波士頓龍蝦饗宴」,就讓米兒感到:哇!真是士別三日,刮目相看! 上主菜囉,主廚親自來桌邊服務,把龍蝦燉飯盛盤。

Not 99%, It’s 47% – Transcript of Leaked Romney Fundraiser Remarks

(By NBC News on September 18, 2012) The campaign discussion was dominated Tuesday by remarks made by Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney at a May 17 fundraiser in Boca Raton, Fla., which were surreptitiously recorded by an anonymous source and surfaced Monday evening. Romney shows his grandchildren, from left to right: Owen, 5; Wyatt, 7;… Continue reading Not 99%, It’s 47% – Transcript of Leaked Romney Fundraiser Remarks

华埠动态: 副州长访华美福利会 华埠居民会9月例会

【本报特约记者李强波士顿报道】继7月份昆士市长柯奇做客华美福利会(AACA),探讨社区发展之后,9月10日,麻州副州长穆瑞(Tim Murray)也来到华埠泰勒街87号的华美福利会会址同数十位华埠居民见面。他在演讲和答问中指出,州政府要同地方政府紧密配合为各个地方的居民服务,并鼓励华埠居民积极参加11月份的大选投票。 (左二起)陈秀英、余仕昂、副州长莫瑞同部分与会者合影。(华埠居民会提供)

Aung San Suu Kyi to Deliver Godkin Lecture at Harvard Kennedy School

CAMBRIDGE MA — Nobel Peace Prize winner and democracy activist Aung San Suu Kyi will deliver the annual Godkin Lecture at Harvard Kennedy School on September 27th. The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum, 79 JFK Street, Cambridge. VOA’s Scott Stearns interviews Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu… Continue reading Aung San Suu Kyi to Deliver Godkin Lecture at Harvard Kennedy School

南大波士顿校友夏日烧烤 庆祝母校110岁生日

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】8月底的一个周末,阳光明媚,天气宜人。近百位大波士顿地区的南京大学校友欢聚在波士顿西郊的Watertown Arsenal 公园,参加校友会夏日烧烤活动。校友们一起动手准备食物、互致问候,度过一个愉快惬意的下午。 部分与会者合影。(严涵 摄)

波城华埠的一条龙 专访美军二战英雄黄君裕

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿图文报道】1945年9月9日,中国战区侵华日军投降签字仪式在南京国民政府中央军校礼堂举行,侵华日军总司令、日本投降代表冈村宁次无可奈何地在投降书上签了字。就在这个纪念日的67周年到来之际,记者由黄铁镒先生陪同,在波士顿华埠黄君裕(Arthur Wong)先生的家中拜访了这位二战老英雄。 黄君裕青年时期的戎装照。

MIT Dragon Held on the Lead in a Friendly Soccer Match Against Boston United

By David Li, bostonese.com Cambridge, Mass. – In the evening of September 15, MIT Dragon soccer team hosted a friendly soccer match against Boston United at Henry Steinbrenner Stadium & Track. Players from both teams enjoyed an evening of playing soccer on a beautiful autumn night, and the match was played at a high level… Continue reading MIT Dragon Held on the Lead in a Friendly Soccer Match Against Boston United

华埠动态: 南湾东楼中秋联欢 台山乡亲联谊会茶会 华埠牌坊电影节

【侨报周末特约记者李强波士顿报道】日前,波城华埠的南湾东楼举办了一个别开生面的中秋节联欢会,得到近百位住户和他们的亲友的积极参与。华埠居民会主席余仕昂应邀参加了联欢会,并向住户致以中秋节的问候与祝福。 联欢会现场 (华埠居民会提供)